Thursday, December 16, 2010

2010 is coming to an end...

I would like to begin this post by saying thank you to all nine of my followers....taking time out of your day to share with me in this journey has meant so much to me. Just think... when my blog hits 1 million followers, you will be able to say "I was there when it all began". Kudos. 

It has been three weeks since my last update.

Week 1: moved to Leeds... the cultural, financial and commercial heart of West Yorkshire, England (or so claims wikipedia). Also home to my Grandad, Aunt Carol, and 50 cousins whom I have yet to meet. Although it is nice to have the family and support here it hasn't really made me miss my family back home any less :( Luckily I have not had the time to be homesick, because within the first week I had landed myself a J-O-B. oh yes, it was finally time to start rebuilding my fortune after that little "misunderstanding" in London. Where could this new job be you might be asking?! None other than The Lazy Lounge in Leeds city centre. I know it sounds a little like a dimly lit dive bar filled with overweight people sitting in front of slot machines drinking cheep beer... but it is actually a rather nice upscale wine bar.

Week two: This week is not much different from week one, accept for the fact that I have become completely immersed in work. Partly because I need the money, and partly because I have a little crush on my boss :) It's really not my fault, he likes to parade around at work in really tight tops that show off his muscles and is a complete flirt. No, but honestly my bar is just an all around awesome place to be, I literally work ten hour days, and then I get off and just hang out at work. Now I know what you're thinking.."um, don't you feel a little like a pathetic loser with no life?" Well, the answer is no, no I do not because everyone else that I work with is just as pathetic as me and they do the exact same thing. The first night I got hired my new coworkers took me to the German Market (a magical place filled with giant beers, giant sausages, and giant men dancing about in lederhosen) We drank, we laughed and we sang the night away. I knew right away these were good people.

Week three:  This past week started out with a BANG when my good friend Anna Meldau came all the way from San Diego to see me!! Ok not really, I was actually just a little pit stop on her trip to London, but it was amazing to see her nonetheless! What better to do on her first night in town than to get completely schmammered, and schmammered we did get via a little jem I found during week two called the Neon Cactus Tequila bar (again, not as seedy as it sounds). Since we decided to go all out, the next two days were spent catching up. It was so great seeing a familiar face. This morning Anna left on a train back to London and I am diving back into work. 

Leeds has been an unexpected stop in my travels, but I am really enjoying my time here and trying to make the most of it. I will try and update you again before the holidays, but just in case.... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 

