Sunday, July 17, 2011

Rain rain go away...

UGH! Why does it rain so damn much here (and in July?!). All my friends back home, you better be enjoying the summer weather enough for the both of us! Anyways, hellooo blogesphere... IM BACK!!  I know, there is no excuse, two months is just too long and you all must be dying to know what I've been up to (by "you all" I of course mean my grandmother). The last two months have been filled with adventure, intrigue, romance and wizards (ok so I went to see Harry Potter on opening day... twice, I'm a nerd, get over it!) but as much as I want to tell you every little detail, I have decided not to. Not because you wouldn't find it utterly compelling, but because I dont feel that the last two months really capture the essense of what my blog is about, and that is my travels. True, I did go to Amsterdam with Shane, but since we agreed at the beginning of our trip that "what happens in Amsterdam stays in Amsterdam" you will just have to use your imaginations on that one :) Instead I will briefly catch you and leave it at that.

1. I am moving back to San Diego in September. I took a good hard look at the pros and cons of staying here another year for the writing course, and for every pro one large con kept overshadowing it. That con being living in Leeds for another year (no offence Leedians)

2.  I am done with the bar life and am now working on a potentially huge opportunity back in San Diego (however I did have a brief romance with my business partner that just ended so I'll keep you posted on that one)

3. I am no longer a cougar, I ended it right after Amsterdam. He was a great guy, and while his youthful good looks and rock hard abs were enticing, the complete lack of having anything in common eventually got to me.

4. I went to Edinburgh! By far the most beautiful place I have been to, I posted the pictures on facebook so check em out!


And that's all I'm going to say about what's been going on in my life. Now that I am feeling a bit more like myself again, you will be hearing from me a LOT more.... lucky you :) Especially since it rains EVERY SINGLE DAY here. I am going a bit crazy sitting indoors mid summer,  so this is what happens.... my first youtube video. No, I am not trying to be the next Rebecca Black, Greyson Chance or that white chick who can rap every part in "Look at me now"... I am just having some fun and hoping you will be mildly entertained by it. I absolutely love Jessie J, by far one of my favorite new artists, and this is my attempt at covering her new single "nobody's perfect".

