Thursday, September 16, 2010

And so it begins....

Well, I made it here, barely. I arrived at LAX 3 hours early, completely unnecessary in my mind but I decided to listen to my mother, the world traveler, who said I would be sorry if I didn’t. I am sooo glad I listened to her because it took me TEN WHOLE MINUTES to get through check in and security. Walking through the terminal, realizing I had 2 hours and 50 minutes until my flight left, I decided I would kill some time by calling my mom and telling her that I was right and she was wrong. Feeling very pleased with myself I pulled out my phone, which was jammed at the bottom of my bag. Next thing I know my phone is slipping from my fingers and flying across the hard floor of LAX, not good. After 30 minutes of trying to revive it, I realized there was no hope, it was done for. It wasn’t the end of the world, I had another phone that I had bought for England, and of course I couldn’t use it because I don’t have service yet. Thank GOD for the internet, I would just email my mom. Sitting at the bar with a bloody Mary, ready to get my buzz on, I pull out my laptop. Of course I had forgotten to charge it the night before and it’s dead. GREAT.

After what seemed like forever, I was boarding my plane to Europe. Longest ten hours of my life. To my left two girls, ages two and three, who didn’t speak English, decided they wanted to be best friends with me right away and used physical force to get my attention. I think my left arm and leg have bruises from their incessant hitting and kicking. To my right, a couple who decided to spend the entire trip talking about how fabulous their lives were. I think they enjoyed the sound of their own voices so much, that if they were to stop talking for even a moment, they would become one of us commoners. The best part was when they, not so discretely, tried to join the mile high club after only 20 minutes of being in the air. At least wait until people start to go to sleep!! Gross. Luckily I had my itouch with me so I could drown out all the noise with a movie. I decided Taken, a fun-filled movie about two girls on a trip to Paris, would be perfect.

After a quick stop over in Germany, I finally arrive in London!!! I have to take a tube from the terminal to the baggage claim (super exciting!!) As I am standing there holding on to the side rail, I can’t help but overhearing the man next to me talking on his phone. I could tell he was Russian by his accent, and he says “I can’t talk out loud right now I am on a tube, I have the merchandise and it will be distributed, I will call you by Friday to discuss the details.” I reacted as any sensible person would have, I memorized as many physical details about the man as I could in 2.5 seconds and I got the hell out of there before I was shoved into a cab, addicted to heroin and sold into the sex trafficking industry.

My cousin’s friends are there to pick me up and take me home. Home is an adorable little house in the small town of Bury St. Edmunds, right outside of Cambridge. I spent the first few hours exploring the local mall; there was not one shop that I recognized. I was starting to feel homesick, when I looked up and saw it… an H&M!!!!! I knew that I would make it here. Next my aunt and I decide to hit up the local pub, we get wasted and my Aunt gets in to a debate with a local on who’s country is better, quite entertaining. My first night in England ends with my cousin and I playing a drinking game to Shutter Island (we took a drink every time Leo had a brooding look on his face). Needless to say I was passed out half way through the movie. Today will be spent on homework… but tomorrow we are off to Stonehenge and Bath… update you soon!!



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