Sunday, May 29, 2011

Always Be Prepared....

The anticipation is killing me!! In exactly one week from now Shane will be on a plane crossing the Atlantic and arriving in London. I cannot tell you how much I need this, not only seeing a friend from home, but also escaping from Leeds for a week. To be honest I am going a bit a little bit stir crazy.

I have spent all my free time over the last couple of weeks doing extensive research on Amsterdam and have discovered a few very useful travel tips... which I have jotted down and decided to share with you all! :)

·      * While traveling through the city, it is common to hear soft whispers all around you– no need to be alarmed you are not going crazy, it is only a local criminal trying to sell you drugs. Unless you have been drinking the mushroom tea, then it is quite possible that you are going crazy and in that case just think happy thoughts until the strange voices go away.

·      -*  NEVER buy drugs off a dealer on the streets.( I’m really glad I read this one, or else I most definitely would have been tempted to put aside all common sense and purchase a bag of baking soda for 50 Euros from the homeless looking man carrying a switchblade rather than walking into one of the hundreds of coffee shops that legally sell drugs) This is an obvious one.

·        * DO rent a bike! It’s one of the best ways to experience the city. However, if you decide to rent a bike, DON'T spend too much time looking at the surrounding architectural wonders or it is highly possible you will be hit by a car.

·      * You must visit the Red Light District and admire the unique window displays. However these images are to be stored solely in your memory as any pictures taken with a camera will quickly result in an ass kicking from the local pimp.

·       * Don’t get sucked into spending the entire trip in the local “coffee shops”. There is so much more to experience in Amsterdam, like the canal tours, museums and local cuisine… which lets admit would all be more enjoyable after a joint so DO make a coffee shop your first, fourth, sixth and last stops of the day.

·      -*DO NOT stay in a hostel in the middle of the Red Light District overlooking a brothel (Challenge Accepted!!).

Now that I have thoroughly done my research, I feel ready to take on one of the most exciting cities in Europe I just need to figure out what to pack! 

Other than preparing for this trip, it pains me to admit that another two weeks have passed without anything happening that is at all worth mentioning. I know as a blogger I should be able to find an interesting story in even the most ordinary of days, but I am not lying when I tell you that at this point I would have to create some make- believe scenario to entertain you, which I have been tempted to do on more than one occasion. However I would like to keep this blog a work of non- fiction so I have two options, update my blog and bore you into never returning… or wait until I actually have something to blog about and hope that you will remember all the memories we have shared together and remain my loyal follower even through the dry spells. I will tell you this…I have a pretty good feeling that Amsterdam is going to be the start of an amazing (and blogworthy) summer!!



Sunday, May 15, 2011

Boredom, we meet again....

I'm bored. Not just at this moment (which I also am as I have been sitting on my bed all day reading through issues of People magazine from last November that my Aunt sent me for Christmas) but just in general. My day to day routine here in Leeds is growing somewhat predictable and monotonous. The past week has been particularly uneventful. this is mostly my fault, as I been working crazy hours (3pm-4am last Saturday!), and any free time I have has been spent lounging in my bed watching "The O.C.".... all five seasons of it. I have been feeling a bit homesick and therefor enjoy anything that reminds me of my long lost youth in southern California, not like it was anywhere near as glamorous or dramatic as that of Marissa, Ryan, Summer and Seth... but anything with a palm tree has me feeling a bit nostalgic these days. What I wouldn't give to be back in my Mustang, driving up the 101 windows down blasting Rooney's so-bad-it's-good anthem "California". Don't judge me.

I did manage to make it out of the house a couple times this week. Thursday night I decided to hit up a local club called The Wire, an underground cave-esque bar/music venue where a member of The Cribs, a popular band from here in Leeds, was the guest DJ. I could have done without the sweaty mosh pit of 18 year olds and beer soaked beach balls hitting my face every two seconds, but other than that the set was great and it was a nice change from the non-stop elctro beats coming from call lane.

Last night I went to the Beirkellar (a mini German Market in the city that is open every single day of the year!) with Ed and his brother. Yes I met Ed's brother, his kin... his blood. I know it's not his parents or anything but still kind of a big deal. It says, "things are getting serious enough that you are worthy of drinking a pint and dancing about like an idiot on benches to a faux German band with my brother, but still a bit too casual for and evening of dinner and meaningful conversation with my parents". I like that we are in the same place, Ed and I, we never really have to have "the talk" because we both are happy with the way things are (either that or we are both afraid to admit the inevitable, that I will eventually leave and he still has three years of school and a career set up for him here so a future for us is really out of the question) Wednesday is his birthday, and I feel a little selfish saying this, but I am excited because I no longer have to say I am dating a teenager. Any ideas on what I should get him? And to my friends who enjoy giving me a hard time.... the answer is no, I will not get him a “fake ID, candy, Legos or anything else that a child might get amusement out of. Maybe I should ask his older brother for suggestions, he is closer in age to Eddie than I am, HA!!... see I can make jokes too :)

With summer fast approaching I have also realized that I need to step up my activity level and join a gym. Without the pressures of getting into a bikini this season, its easy to look past a little tummy jiggle or lack of any muscle definition in my arms as long as I fit into my jeans, but who knows what will happen this summer. I could end up sipping champagne on a yacht in the south of France with Justin Timberlake... and I need to be prepared for these unlikely but possible circumstances right?! However, I am going on holiday in three weeks.... and there is a good chance I will be living in Amsterdam in just under two months. So really it is rather impractical and a waste of money to sign up for a gym membership at this point in time. Do you like how I did that? talked myself out of that one in under one hundred words!

Maybe I will start running... I've never been good at it but always wanted to give it a shot. and i do live right next to Hyde Park, one of the largest parks in Leeds, so it would make sense to start running. In fact... I am going to start today! after i finish this blog post i am going to throw on my tennies and .... oh wait, it just started raining. TOMMOROW! tomorrow i will start running .

Right now I am going to peal myself off my bed and get ready to go see the one and only Matt Belmont perform at Bar Room Bar, I will leave you with his latest you tube video for your listening pleasure :)



Sunday, May 8, 2011

To my mom... the original Travel Queen

This blog post is dedicated to my mom, without whom I wouldn’t be here. Not just here on this planet, obviously, but here on my travels. She was the original travel queen who wasn’t afraid to take risks and paved the way for this young woman to set out on her own adventures….

Ten Reasons I love my Mom

1.       I can spill my guts to her, whether it's about work… or the boy who just broke my heart, and she will listen patiently while I ramble on and on for hours over Skype.

2.       Although I am twenty five years old, she still disapproves of my swearing and will point it out every time I do. Even when she is fuming the only thing she’ll ever let slip is a heated “darnnit”.

3.       She a fighter and faces each challenge, whether it be not burning the turkey on Thanksgiving…. or cancer, with an “I’m going to kick your ass” attitude. (pardon my French mom)

4.       She doesn’t tell me what I want to hear, she tells me what I need to hear, and encourages me without feeding into my fanciful expectations.

5.       She has an amazing ability to remain calm and level headed about everything, and even though she didn’t  feel the need to pass these traits on to me, I am constantly trying to emulate her and always ask myself “WWMD?” in situations of uncertainty.

6.       She remains refreshingly un-jaded despite the obstacles she has faced and her optimism is infectious to everyone around her.

7.       She is so unbelievably talented, and every time I watch her sing my heart swells up with pride and I think to myself…..if American Idol had been around when she was a young aspiring musician she would have no doubt swept the competition!

8.       She is proof that happy endings can happen at any age, and that no girl should settle for anything less than her Prince Charming.

9.       No one ever has a negative thing to say about my mom, and in turn she does not gossip or speak negatively about others. She wouldn't last two seconds as a "Real Housewife".

And last but not least…..

10.   She completely disproves the theory that gingers have no souls ;)

Happy Mother’s Day!



Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Heating up...

Please excuse my absence over the last couple of weeks. A rather unlikely occurrence happened that has forced me to abandon my desk and laptop for a bit of fresh air ….

This past week brought a record breaking heat to the city of Leeds. By record breaking I mean it was about 65 degrees (this is England after all). Its citizens emerged from their houses in flip flops, sunglasses and inappropriately revealing clothing ready to embrace the sudden change in weather. You would think that the heat would make me feel a little more at home, yet I actually found myself missing San Diego even more. Back home on days like this we threw on our bikinis and ran straight to the beach or nearest pool, sunscreen and daiquiris in hand. The only thing slightly resembling a body of water here is the murky canal running through the city centre, which I have no doubt is filled with nothing but garbage, diseases and dead bodies that have absorbed the radioactive sewage and morphed into flesh eating zombies that will one day emerge from the depths from which they came and overtake the city….hopefully I will be back in San Diego when this happens, but don’t say I didn’t warn you people of Leeds :) So what do we resort to on a balmy spring day to cool off here? Why the same thing we resort to any other day of the year, drinking! And drink we did, every bar and beer garden was packed to the max with people looking for a way to "cool down”.

The sunshine seemed to boost everyones spirits, and my social calendar quickly filled up, which wasn’t too hard since I have been working a full time schedule at the sky lounge leaving me little time to do anything else. So the spare time I did have was spent letting loose with my friends, who I have been having a blast with, but I am beginning to notice all have one thing in common…. their all guys. And while men can offer a drama free no bullshit relationship, I do miss female companionship. The closest thing I have right now to a bit of “girl chat” are my brief conversations with my fabulously gay manager at sky lounge, Jon. Nonetheless my male compadres provide for good entertainment and are there for me if I do need to vent (because believe me, whether they will admit it or not, after a night out drinking they will definitely open up the floodgates to their inner “girl”).

As much as I love city life and its endless array of entertainment, it can feel somewhat claustrophobic at times, so when Ed texted me earlier in the week asking if he could take me to York that weekend  it couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. Not only is York one of the most historic cities in England (a small step to reclaiming my travel queen status), but Ed and I had been dating for about a month at that point, and as much as I enjoyed our dinner and movie dates I was looking forward to spending a bit more time with him.

I must say that due to his mere nineteen years on this planet I did underestimate his ability to woo me, but as we walked hand in hand through the cobble stoned streets and 16th century buildings, watching his adorable attempt at tour guide made me realize that age really is just a number because he completely swept me off my feet. The day could not have been more perfect (accept for our moody waiter at the Italian restaurant we had lunch at who was obviously suffering from lack of oxygen to the brain due to the intense heat). As we walked through a scenic park along the canal I felt like we were in a scene out of Pride and Prejudice… accept our relationship is far less melodramatic as that of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy.  I started to realize that maybe this was more than just a fun fling… and he was more than just an extremely cute boy toy.

I am counting down the days until Shane arrives in London, thirty-four from today!  It will be so nice to see a familiar face and most importantly… I can’t wait to catch up on all the hometown gossip ;) I am also looking forward to our trip to Amsterdam, not only as a welcome break from my hectic work schedule, but also as a preview for a potential summer residency. Yes, you heard my right, I am considering moving to Amsterdam for the summer. I have been getting a little too comfortable with my day to day routine here in Leeds, and the new Mint hotel in Amsterdam is hiring, so I thought what better way to spend my summer than to immerse myself in one of the most culturally exciting cities in Europe. Right now it’s just a thought, but the moment it becomes a reality you will be the first to know! Until then…

Xoxo Danielle