Sunday, May 8, 2011

To my mom... the original Travel Queen

This blog post is dedicated to my mom, without whom I wouldn’t be here. Not just here on this planet, obviously, but here on my travels. She was the original travel queen who wasn’t afraid to take risks and paved the way for this young woman to set out on her own adventures….

Ten Reasons I love my Mom

1.       I can spill my guts to her, whether it's about work… or the boy who just broke my heart, and she will listen patiently while I ramble on and on for hours over Skype.

2.       Although I am twenty five years old, she still disapproves of my swearing and will point it out every time I do. Even when she is fuming the only thing she’ll ever let slip is a heated “darnnit”.

3.       She a fighter and faces each challenge, whether it be not burning the turkey on Thanksgiving…. or cancer, with an “I’m going to kick your ass” attitude. (pardon my French mom)

4.       She doesn’t tell me what I want to hear, she tells me what I need to hear, and encourages me without feeding into my fanciful expectations.

5.       She has an amazing ability to remain calm and level headed about everything, and even though she didn’t  feel the need to pass these traits on to me, I am constantly trying to emulate her and always ask myself “WWMD?” in situations of uncertainty.

6.       She remains refreshingly un-jaded despite the obstacles she has faced and her optimism is infectious to everyone around her.

7.       She is so unbelievably talented, and every time I watch her sing my heart swells up with pride and I think to myself…..if American Idol had been around when she was a young aspiring musician she would have no doubt swept the competition!

8.       She is proof that happy endings can happen at any age, and that no girl should settle for anything less than her Prince Charming.

9.       No one ever has a negative thing to say about my mom, and in turn she does not gossip or speak negatively about others. She wouldn't last two seconds as a "Real Housewife".

And last but not least…..

10.   She completely disproves the theory that gingers have no souls ;)

Happy Mother’s Day!



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