Sunday, May 29, 2011

Always Be Prepared....

The anticipation is killing me!! In exactly one week from now Shane will be on a plane crossing the Atlantic and arriving in London. I cannot tell you how much I need this, not only seeing a friend from home, but also escaping from Leeds for a week. To be honest I am going a bit a little bit stir crazy.

I have spent all my free time over the last couple of weeks doing extensive research on Amsterdam and have discovered a few very useful travel tips... which I have jotted down and decided to share with you all! :)

·      * While traveling through the city, it is common to hear soft whispers all around you– no need to be alarmed you are not going crazy, it is only a local criminal trying to sell you drugs. Unless you have been drinking the mushroom tea, then it is quite possible that you are going crazy and in that case just think happy thoughts until the strange voices go away.

·      -*  NEVER buy drugs off a dealer on the streets.( I’m really glad I read this one, or else I most definitely would have been tempted to put aside all common sense and purchase a bag of baking soda for 50 Euros from the homeless looking man carrying a switchblade rather than walking into one of the hundreds of coffee shops that legally sell drugs) This is an obvious one.

·        * DO rent a bike! It’s one of the best ways to experience the city. However, if you decide to rent a bike, DON'T spend too much time looking at the surrounding architectural wonders or it is highly possible you will be hit by a car.

·      * You must visit the Red Light District and admire the unique window displays. However these images are to be stored solely in your memory as any pictures taken with a camera will quickly result in an ass kicking from the local pimp.

·       * Don’t get sucked into spending the entire trip in the local “coffee shops”. There is so much more to experience in Amsterdam, like the canal tours, museums and local cuisine… which lets admit would all be more enjoyable after a joint so DO make a coffee shop your first, fourth, sixth and last stops of the day.

·      -*DO NOT stay in a hostel in the middle of the Red Light District overlooking a brothel (Challenge Accepted!!).

Now that I have thoroughly done my research, I feel ready to take on one of the most exciting cities in Europe I just need to figure out what to pack! 

Other than preparing for this trip, it pains me to admit that another two weeks have passed without anything happening that is at all worth mentioning. I know as a blogger I should be able to find an interesting story in even the most ordinary of days, but I am not lying when I tell you that at this point I would have to create some make- believe scenario to entertain you, which I have been tempted to do on more than one occasion. However I would like to keep this blog a work of non- fiction so I have two options, update my blog and bore you into never returning… or wait until I actually have something to blog about and hope that you will remember all the memories we have shared together and remain my loyal follower even through the dry spells. I will tell you this…I have a pretty good feeling that Amsterdam is going to be the start of an amazing (and blogworthy) summer!!



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