Sunday, July 17, 2011

Rain rain go away...

UGH! Why does it rain so damn much here (and in July?!). All my friends back home, you better be enjoying the summer weather enough for the both of us! Anyways, hellooo blogesphere... IM BACK!!  I know, there is no excuse, two months is just too long and you all must be dying to know what I've been up to (by "you all" I of course mean my grandmother). The last two months have been filled with adventure, intrigue, romance and wizards (ok so I went to see Harry Potter on opening day... twice, I'm a nerd, get over it!) but as much as I want to tell you every little detail, I have decided not to. Not because you wouldn't find it utterly compelling, but because I dont feel that the last two months really capture the essense of what my blog is about, and that is my travels. True, I did go to Amsterdam with Shane, but since we agreed at the beginning of our trip that "what happens in Amsterdam stays in Amsterdam" you will just have to use your imaginations on that one :) Instead I will briefly catch you and leave it at that.

1. I am moving back to San Diego in September. I took a good hard look at the pros and cons of staying here another year for the writing course, and for every pro one large con kept overshadowing it. That con being living in Leeds for another year (no offence Leedians)

2.  I am done with the bar life and am now working on a potentially huge opportunity back in San Diego (however I did have a brief romance with my business partner that just ended so I'll keep you posted on that one)

3. I am no longer a cougar, I ended it right after Amsterdam. He was a great guy, and while his youthful good looks and rock hard abs were enticing, the complete lack of having anything in common eventually got to me.

4. I went to Edinburgh! By far the most beautiful place I have been to, I posted the pictures on facebook so check em out!


And that's all I'm going to say about what's been going on in my life. Now that I am feeling a bit more like myself again, you will be hearing from me a LOT more.... lucky you :) Especially since it rains EVERY SINGLE DAY here. I am going a bit crazy sitting indoors mid summer,  so this is what happens.... my first youtube video. No, I am not trying to be the next Rebecca Black, Greyson Chance or that white chick who can rap every part in "Look at me now"... I am just having some fun and hoping you will be mildly entertained by it. I absolutely love Jessie J, by far one of my favorite new artists, and this is my attempt at covering her new single "nobody's perfect".



Sunday, May 29, 2011

Always Be Prepared....

The anticipation is killing me!! In exactly one week from now Shane will be on a plane crossing the Atlantic and arriving in London. I cannot tell you how much I need this, not only seeing a friend from home, but also escaping from Leeds for a week. To be honest I am going a bit a little bit stir crazy.

I have spent all my free time over the last couple of weeks doing extensive research on Amsterdam and have discovered a few very useful travel tips... which I have jotted down and decided to share with you all! :)

·      * While traveling through the city, it is common to hear soft whispers all around you– no need to be alarmed you are not going crazy, it is only a local criminal trying to sell you drugs. Unless you have been drinking the mushroom tea, then it is quite possible that you are going crazy and in that case just think happy thoughts until the strange voices go away.

·      -*  NEVER buy drugs off a dealer on the streets.( I’m really glad I read this one, or else I most definitely would have been tempted to put aside all common sense and purchase a bag of baking soda for 50 Euros from the homeless looking man carrying a switchblade rather than walking into one of the hundreds of coffee shops that legally sell drugs) This is an obvious one.

·        * DO rent a bike! It’s one of the best ways to experience the city. However, if you decide to rent a bike, DON'T spend too much time looking at the surrounding architectural wonders or it is highly possible you will be hit by a car.

·      * You must visit the Red Light District and admire the unique window displays. However these images are to be stored solely in your memory as any pictures taken with a camera will quickly result in an ass kicking from the local pimp.

·       * Don’t get sucked into spending the entire trip in the local “coffee shops”. There is so much more to experience in Amsterdam, like the canal tours, museums and local cuisine… which lets admit would all be more enjoyable after a joint so DO make a coffee shop your first, fourth, sixth and last stops of the day.

·      -*DO NOT stay in a hostel in the middle of the Red Light District overlooking a brothel (Challenge Accepted!!).

Now that I have thoroughly done my research, I feel ready to take on one of the most exciting cities in Europe I just need to figure out what to pack! 

Other than preparing for this trip, it pains me to admit that another two weeks have passed without anything happening that is at all worth mentioning. I know as a blogger I should be able to find an interesting story in even the most ordinary of days, but I am not lying when I tell you that at this point I would have to create some make- believe scenario to entertain you, which I have been tempted to do on more than one occasion. However I would like to keep this blog a work of non- fiction so I have two options, update my blog and bore you into never returning… or wait until I actually have something to blog about and hope that you will remember all the memories we have shared together and remain my loyal follower even through the dry spells. I will tell you this…I have a pretty good feeling that Amsterdam is going to be the start of an amazing (and blogworthy) summer!!



Sunday, May 15, 2011

Boredom, we meet again....

I'm bored. Not just at this moment (which I also am as I have been sitting on my bed all day reading through issues of People magazine from last November that my Aunt sent me for Christmas) but just in general. My day to day routine here in Leeds is growing somewhat predictable and monotonous. The past week has been particularly uneventful. this is mostly my fault, as I been working crazy hours (3pm-4am last Saturday!), and any free time I have has been spent lounging in my bed watching "The O.C.".... all five seasons of it. I have been feeling a bit homesick and therefor enjoy anything that reminds me of my long lost youth in southern California, not like it was anywhere near as glamorous or dramatic as that of Marissa, Ryan, Summer and Seth... but anything with a palm tree has me feeling a bit nostalgic these days. What I wouldn't give to be back in my Mustang, driving up the 101 windows down blasting Rooney's so-bad-it's-good anthem "California". Don't judge me.

I did manage to make it out of the house a couple times this week. Thursday night I decided to hit up a local club called The Wire, an underground cave-esque bar/music venue where a member of The Cribs, a popular band from here in Leeds, was the guest DJ. I could have done without the sweaty mosh pit of 18 year olds and beer soaked beach balls hitting my face every two seconds, but other than that the set was great and it was a nice change from the non-stop elctro beats coming from call lane.

Last night I went to the Beirkellar (a mini German Market in the city that is open every single day of the year!) with Ed and his brother. Yes I met Ed's brother, his kin... his blood. I know it's not his parents or anything but still kind of a big deal. It says, "things are getting serious enough that you are worthy of drinking a pint and dancing about like an idiot on benches to a faux German band with my brother, but still a bit too casual for and evening of dinner and meaningful conversation with my parents". I like that we are in the same place, Ed and I, we never really have to have "the talk" because we both are happy with the way things are (either that or we are both afraid to admit the inevitable, that I will eventually leave and he still has three years of school and a career set up for him here so a future for us is really out of the question) Wednesday is his birthday, and I feel a little selfish saying this, but I am excited because I no longer have to say I am dating a teenager. Any ideas on what I should get him? And to my friends who enjoy giving me a hard time.... the answer is no, I will not get him a “fake ID, candy, Legos or anything else that a child might get amusement out of. Maybe I should ask his older brother for suggestions, he is closer in age to Eddie than I am, HA!!... see I can make jokes too :)

With summer fast approaching I have also realized that I need to step up my activity level and join a gym. Without the pressures of getting into a bikini this season, its easy to look past a little tummy jiggle or lack of any muscle definition in my arms as long as I fit into my jeans, but who knows what will happen this summer. I could end up sipping champagne on a yacht in the south of France with Justin Timberlake... and I need to be prepared for these unlikely but possible circumstances right?! However, I am going on holiday in three weeks.... and there is a good chance I will be living in Amsterdam in just under two months. So really it is rather impractical and a waste of money to sign up for a gym membership at this point in time. Do you like how I did that? talked myself out of that one in under one hundred words!

Maybe I will start running... I've never been good at it but always wanted to give it a shot. and i do live right next to Hyde Park, one of the largest parks in Leeds, so it would make sense to start running. In fact... I am going to start today! after i finish this blog post i am going to throw on my tennies and .... oh wait, it just started raining. TOMMOROW! tomorrow i will start running .

Right now I am going to peal myself off my bed and get ready to go see the one and only Matt Belmont perform at Bar Room Bar, I will leave you with his latest you tube video for your listening pleasure :)



Sunday, May 8, 2011

To my mom... the original Travel Queen

This blog post is dedicated to my mom, without whom I wouldn’t be here. Not just here on this planet, obviously, but here on my travels. She was the original travel queen who wasn’t afraid to take risks and paved the way for this young woman to set out on her own adventures….

Ten Reasons I love my Mom

1.       I can spill my guts to her, whether it's about work… or the boy who just broke my heart, and she will listen patiently while I ramble on and on for hours over Skype.

2.       Although I am twenty five years old, she still disapproves of my swearing and will point it out every time I do. Even when she is fuming the only thing she’ll ever let slip is a heated “darnnit”.

3.       She a fighter and faces each challenge, whether it be not burning the turkey on Thanksgiving…. or cancer, with an “I’m going to kick your ass” attitude. (pardon my French mom)

4.       She doesn’t tell me what I want to hear, she tells me what I need to hear, and encourages me without feeding into my fanciful expectations.

5.       She has an amazing ability to remain calm and level headed about everything, and even though she didn’t  feel the need to pass these traits on to me, I am constantly trying to emulate her and always ask myself “WWMD?” in situations of uncertainty.

6.       She remains refreshingly un-jaded despite the obstacles she has faced and her optimism is infectious to everyone around her.

7.       She is so unbelievably talented, and every time I watch her sing my heart swells up with pride and I think to myself…..if American Idol had been around when she was a young aspiring musician she would have no doubt swept the competition!

8.       She is proof that happy endings can happen at any age, and that no girl should settle for anything less than her Prince Charming.

9.       No one ever has a negative thing to say about my mom, and in turn she does not gossip or speak negatively about others. She wouldn't last two seconds as a "Real Housewife".

And last but not least…..

10.   She completely disproves the theory that gingers have no souls ;)

Happy Mother’s Day!



Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Heating up...

Please excuse my absence over the last couple of weeks. A rather unlikely occurrence happened that has forced me to abandon my desk and laptop for a bit of fresh air ….

This past week brought a record breaking heat to the city of Leeds. By record breaking I mean it was about 65 degrees (this is England after all). Its citizens emerged from their houses in flip flops, sunglasses and inappropriately revealing clothing ready to embrace the sudden change in weather. You would think that the heat would make me feel a little more at home, yet I actually found myself missing San Diego even more. Back home on days like this we threw on our bikinis and ran straight to the beach or nearest pool, sunscreen and daiquiris in hand. The only thing slightly resembling a body of water here is the murky canal running through the city centre, which I have no doubt is filled with nothing but garbage, diseases and dead bodies that have absorbed the radioactive sewage and morphed into flesh eating zombies that will one day emerge from the depths from which they came and overtake the city….hopefully I will be back in San Diego when this happens, but don’t say I didn’t warn you people of Leeds :) So what do we resort to on a balmy spring day to cool off here? Why the same thing we resort to any other day of the year, drinking! And drink we did, every bar and beer garden was packed to the max with people looking for a way to "cool down”.

The sunshine seemed to boost everyones spirits, and my social calendar quickly filled up, which wasn’t too hard since I have been working a full time schedule at the sky lounge leaving me little time to do anything else. So the spare time I did have was spent letting loose with my friends, who I have been having a blast with, but I am beginning to notice all have one thing in common…. their all guys. And while men can offer a drama free no bullshit relationship, I do miss female companionship. The closest thing I have right now to a bit of “girl chat” are my brief conversations with my fabulously gay manager at sky lounge, Jon. Nonetheless my male compadres provide for good entertainment and are there for me if I do need to vent (because believe me, whether they will admit it or not, after a night out drinking they will definitely open up the floodgates to their inner “girl”).

As much as I love city life and its endless array of entertainment, it can feel somewhat claustrophobic at times, so when Ed texted me earlier in the week asking if he could take me to York that weekend  it couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. Not only is York one of the most historic cities in England (a small step to reclaiming my travel queen status), but Ed and I had been dating for about a month at that point, and as much as I enjoyed our dinner and movie dates I was looking forward to spending a bit more time with him.

I must say that due to his mere nineteen years on this planet I did underestimate his ability to woo me, but as we walked hand in hand through the cobble stoned streets and 16th century buildings, watching his adorable attempt at tour guide made me realize that age really is just a number because he completely swept me off my feet. The day could not have been more perfect (accept for our moody waiter at the Italian restaurant we had lunch at who was obviously suffering from lack of oxygen to the brain due to the intense heat). As we walked through a scenic park along the canal I felt like we were in a scene out of Pride and Prejudice… accept our relationship is far less melodramatic as that of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy.  I started to realize that maybe this was more than just a fun fling… and he was more than just an extremely cute boy toy.

I am counting down the days until Shane arrives in London, thirty-four from today!  It will be so nice to see a familiar face and most importantly… I can’t wait to catch up on all the hometown gossip ;) I am also looking forward to our trip to Amsterdam, not only as a welcome break from my hectic work schedule, but also as a preview for a potential summer residency. Yes, you heard my right, I am considering moving to Amsterdam for the summer. I have been getting a little too comfortable with my day to day routine here in Leeds, and the new Mint hotel in Amsterdam is hiring, so I thought what better way to spend my summer than to immerse myself in one of the most culturally exciting cities in Europe. Right now it’s just a thought, but the moment it becomes a reality you will be the first to know! Until then…

Xoxo Danielle

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Should I stay or should I go...

One year… one year to escape reality and see the world. That was my plan and I was sticking to it. So what happens when things don’t go exactly according to plan and before you know it you are looking at plane tickets home, the whole time wondering where the time went and what the hell you were doing? Do you stick to your plan, go home and be grateful that you had the opportunity to even come out here at all… or do you stay put until you know that you will leave with no regrets. But wait… say during this internal battle a huge brick gets thrown onto one side of your mental weighing scale in the form of an amazing opportunity that suddenly comes up.

This past week I met with the program director at Leeds University to discuss a Creative Writing course I had briefly looked over and thought I might be interested in. Having no experience (except for my world renowned blog of course) in writing, I thought it would be a long shot but would be worth a look into at least. To my surprise, being a short course, the University is much more relaxed with the application process and I had already met all the pre requisites back home. I was also told that with sending in my application so early I was practically guaranteed a spot.  Yah… huge brick.  Now some of you might be wondering, do you want to be a writer Danielle? The truth is, I honestly have no clue what I want to be. As scary as that is to admit at this point in my life, I am ok with it, because I would rather still be searching than settling. All I know is this, I enjoy writing, it comes naturally to me and I would love to have the opportunity to build my skills. Am a good writer? Well according to my mother yes, and that’s the only opinion that matters right?! 

Now there is always the issue of prolonging my stay, because the writing course would run through until May of 2012, and to be honest the thought of going for another year without seeing my family or friends seems impossible.  Not to mention the LOML (Love of my life). OK so he may not be the love of my life, but he is the one who has my heart right now and although we are just friends who talk for hours upon hours via Skype, I often have this fantasy that I will walk out of LAX in September and run into his arms and we will live happily ever after.  But, if there is one thing I have always told myself, it’s that I will not let a guy determine my major decisions in life. Besides, he supports me staying out here to pursue my writing and says he will come visit me. I can just see it now…. a romantic European getaway, just the two of us lying under the stars in Italy where he will finally profess his undying love for me while violinists play Ushers “OMG”. Hey... a girl can dream right?!  Until that happens, I am having a fabulous time with my new nineteen year old love interest. Aside from the fact that we were born in different decades, he is a great catch, I realized this when he showed up to see me play last week and stood front row smiling up at me the entire time. I also look at my friendships. Already missing my best friends’ wedding in the fall, and asked to be a bridesmaid for anothers' next spring, I feel like I am being a bit selfish frolicking about making new friends while missing monumental moments in their lives. But on the other hand we are all going through changes, we are all growing up. And while the path that they are on may consist of picking out colors for wedding invites or saving to buy a house, maybe my path is the one I am on right now. The path of “I don’t know where the fuck this is leading but I am enjoying the ride and don’t want it to stop now”.  

Another factor is my desire to travel, and let’s be honest; I haven’t done a great deal in the seven months that I’ve been here. I could blame the setbacks in London, or dealing with the financial aspect, but the truth is I think I have just become too comfortable in my day to day life here. Months are flying by like weeks and weeks like days. Realistically, other than my trip to London and Amsterdam with Shane in June, I don’t have a lot of time (or money) in the next few months to do as much traveling as I would have hoped for in my time here. By extending my trip another nine months I could plan and save and become the travel queen I set out to be. I can just see it now, sitting outside the Pestsäule in Austria, writing a novel about a young fraulein who left the convent she grew up in to be a governess for a family of eight who like to randomly burst into song, all the while being chased by Nazis during WWII. I know… I am just full of amazing ideas!! 

 Everything aside, the most important thing is what makes me happy. Right now that is my writing, playing music and the uncertainty of not knowing what’s next. So I guess I have made my decision, I just don’t know if I’m ready to put it in writing….



Friday, April 1, 2011

La de da de da ...These are a few of my favorite things

In light of the fact that my last blog post was somewhat depressing, I have decided to share with you all a few things that I am excited about/ put a smile on my face at the moment in the hopes of lifting everyones (mostly mine) spirits.....

Working at the Mint Hotel...

Ok so the job itself is nothing spectacular, and dealing with the clientele can be trying at times (this week we had about fifty middle age woman staying in the hotel for some convention who decided to take over the sky lounge. It reminded me of that scene from The Witches... I was just waiting for them to peel off their masks and fly away on brooms), but working for a hotel does have its perks. My fellow bartenders are a group of wonderfully entertaining people. My favorite is Dean.. philosophy professor/musician/stoner/bartender extraordinaire. Going out for a night with him is like getting to sit in on a free lecture, I love how he can turn anything into a philosophical discussion. Like the time we were all supposed to go out and I was complaining that the Mint forgot to pay me and I was completely broke and he went off on some "money isn't real" speech. I was like, ok honey, that's nice and all... but I can't buy my drinks with hugs and kisses. Also, being employed at the hotel means that I get staff discounts at any other Mint Hotel, so when Shane comes out in June and we go to Amsterdam, we will not be staying in some dingy little hostel that smells of dirty prostitutes and bong water.. oh no. We will be staying in a 5 star hotel... that will most likely smell of dirty prostitutes and bong water, this is Amsterdam were talking about, you can't escape it.

Neon Cactus....

 It's not a new revelation that I love the Neon Cactus, as any of my friends here in Leeds will tell you. With its extensive selection of tequila, laid back venue, and indie electro beats playing all night long...the moment I step into Neon off the cold street I feel like I am transported back to San Diego. For my friends back home I would describe this place as a mash up between Mas Fina Cantina and RA, even the bartenders all look like they stumbled out of the Saloon. I have yet to try their take on Mexican cuisine (because I have yet to go before 10pm) but it's at the top of my list! I'm sure it will be a pathetic attempt at quesidillas and tacos covered in bland salsa, but nonetheless they will forever have my undying love.

The Matt Belmont Band

With his soulful voice and swoonworthy looks, I have no doubt that Matt Belmont is going to be the next big thing, and I will admit I am a total groupie. I have never seen anyone work as hard as he does, whether it be running the open mic night every week at my bar, playing gigs all around town, performing for the crowds passing through the city centre, or sitting for hours on facebook promoting himself.. haha. I also have to give him credit for helping me build enough confidence to get up and play every week (and I'm sure if he was here he would like to give me credit for inspiring him to start a blog). I posted his facebook link so check him out.. as well as a cover of Jessie J's price tag :)!/mattbelmontmusic

The reemergence of the spring wardrobe....

After a long winter clad in nothing but sweaters,bulky coats and the signature opaque tights... to my delight the local shops have been made over with white denim, floral prints and fun and flirty dresses to get ready for the spring. Words cannot describe how elated I am to be able to walk outside my door in a t-shirt, blazer and my favorite pair of R&R jeans. NO scarf, NO coat and NO gloves :) Now all I need to do is work on my tan so in a couple months I can pull out my shorts from the bottom of my suitcase.
 19 year old guys...

Haha just kidding, but after receiving some feedback on my last post the overwhelming consensus was... just have fun! Like I said before I am only here for a few more months, I don't have the time to take things too seriously. So from this point forward I am worrying about one thing and one thing only... what makes me happy :)



Monday, March 28, 2011

Taking it day by day...

The last month has been somewhat of a roller coaster. In my last post I said that I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt homesick.. I spoke to soon. When I made that statement I felt like I was where I was supposed to be and enjoying every second of it. I was still on a high from Paris (and all set for my next trip to Amsterdam), I had started a new job which I loved and worked with people that I genuinely liked. I had also met a guy who gave me butterflies like I hadn't felt in a long time. But most of all I'd  made some marvelous new friends in the short time that I had been here.

Well Amsterdam didn't happen, unfortunately I just couldn't pull the funds together and had to back out last minute. Although it might have been a blessing in disguise because the weekend I was scheduled to fly out my Uncle Roberto from California was flying into London, so I was able to spend a few days with him, my cousin and his girlfriend. I had forgotten how much I loved the city, and when I stepped off the tube and walked around Hyde Park it was like the whole ordeal with the scam,the stress and any other ill feelings had been swept away with the warm spring wind. We spent the whole day walking around the city (well most of it was spent in Harrods) and watched the sun set outside a pub under Big Ben. We stayed in a beautiful hotel overlooking Westminster Bridge, and the night ended with my Uncle and I playing quarters in the posh bar downstairs while getting dirty looks from the bar staff. All around it was pretty much a perfect day. Also, I received an email from my good friend Shane that he would be flying out in June, and what kind of host would I be if I didn't take him to Amsterdam while he was here?!

I am still enjoying work, although my hours have been cut back to almost nothing so I decided to seek additional income elsewhere. I decided that Sky Lounge, a bar situated at the top of the number one hotel in Leeds would be perfect. Full of the beautiful (but only in the glow of the low neon lights, because I have seen some of them in the daylight... not pretty), the rich, and a handful of celebrities. Saturday night a well known football player actually asked me to join him after work in his room, but as tempting as his spray tanned muscles, blinged out ears and posse of neanderthals attached to his side were... I politely declined. After all, this is soccer were talking about, who cares about soccer? Now if Tom Brady were to ask me... hah just kidding. 

With the encouragement of some new friends, I have been spending most of my spare time locked up in my room writing songs, albeit somewhat unsuccessfully. I don't know if its my novice guitar playing or just a lack of inspiration but the task has proven to be much more difficult than I expected. I have no problem opening up my laptop and writing on and on about my day to day life in my blog, but when it comes to scaling it all down to a catchy yet meaningful tune, I often find myself completely lost. I performed one of my songs at the open mic night last Wednesday and to my surprise it received a very warm response. There were only about five people there, but nonetheless they liked it dammit! The only thing I try to remember is not to be too critical of myself, everyone starts out somewhere, and although I wouldn't release it as my first single... it felt really good to play something that I had written from start to finish.

So I'm sure you are all wondering about this guy. Well he came into my work one day and offered to take me out around Leeds, and what can I say, we hit it off. He was a handsome English boy, extremely charming.. .and he made me laugh. We were having fun, and I hadn't really thought about my feelings for him until a few weeks after we had started talking, but I really liked him. What the hell, I thought to myself, I am only here for another 6 months I might as well just tell him how I feel... whats the worst that could happen? Well the worst that could happen is he tells you that he doesn't feel the same way and then completely stops talking to you, but not only that, he lives right next to your work so you have to see him all the time which is a constant reminder that you made a complete idiot of yourself. He told me he didn't want a girlfriend at the moment, what is it with guys, you tell them you like them and they think you want a relationship. I guess I should have rephrased my profession to “I think your a really cool guy and I like spending time with you and would like to get to know you better”? But anyone that knows me knows that I can sometimes be a bit too honest and I speak without thinking things through so I just went with “I like you”. Oh well, at the end of the day all I can do is just be me... and sometimes people are not going to feel the same way about you that you feel about them, and that's ok :) On a side note, is nineteen too young? Like hypothetically speaking, say I met a really cute and interesting guy who just happens to be nineteen, would that be too young? Please leave your thoughts in the comment box below... thank you.

The worst thing to happen in the last month is the screen on my laptop breaking. Three weeks... THREE WEEKS without a laptop. Normally this wouldn't bother me, but being all the way over here it is really the only way I have to communicate with my family and friends back home. Not being able to gossip with my best friend, or to being able to confide in my mom has been hard. The low point was not being able to speak to my brother on his 21st birthday. I don't know how my mom moved all the way across the world at 21 in a time when you couldn't click a button and see the faces of all the people you loved. I have come to the conclusion that she is just a much stronger person than I am. Although I have made some incredible friends here that I know are always down for a night out, it has been difficult and bit lonely lonely not having anyone to talk to. Luckily I have the most amazing Dad in the world who put a laptop on a plane (along with my uncle) and sent it straight away.

I know there are going to be ups and downs during my travels, and I am trying to keep my head up and stay positive. Over the next couple of months I am going to be saving saving saving! Not only for my trips over the summer, but for a plane ticket home in the fall :) I still cant believe I have been here for seven months, with the winter months behind me I have no doubt that the best is yet to come....



Monday, February 28, 2011

A Love Story.....

You know those moments in life that make you completely and absolutely believe in fate? Last week I received a phone call from my cousin Robby. The phone call itself wasn't anything extraordinary,he was just calling to catch up and  find out when my next trip down to London would be. What was special about this particular phone call was the phone he was calling from, it was Olivia's. You may recall a few months back a little case of fraud I was involved with in London. Well Olivia was my flatmate, yes, the one who took Wanda to see Mark Ronson :) They had met briefly when Robby came to London to help me look for a new flat and never in a million years would I have imagined the two of them ending up together. Olivia, the outgoing social butterfly from Manchester and Robby, the laid back homebody from California who had just gone through a pretty rough break up. You see my cousin was married to the devil. If the devil were just sitting around in hell one day working on his suntan and decided to get some cheap thrills by taking the form of a woman and fucking with a descent and honest mans emotions ..... that would be his wife. Anyways, the point is he was going through a difficult period.... and then he met Olivia. You hear about people falling madly in love overnight and you see the fairytale romances in movies, but you rarely witness it in real life. I still cant believe how fast it all happened. I could hear her laughing in the background as I chatted with my cousin, and I could hear the happiness in his own voice as he talked. It was the Robby I remember before the divorce, and I knew he would be back, I just didn't know how long it would take. It's funny how my own misfortune could bring two people together who would have never met under any other circumstances, and I would go through it all over again just to see the smile on my cousins face :)

Ok, now that I have melted all of your hearts, a quick update! I woke up today hungover after what was my fourth night out in one week. Not that it wasn't a fun night, I saw the amazing Matt Belmont band and probably danced off about 2,000 calories, but it made me realize that I need to find things to do other than becoming Leeds own Lindsey Lohan while waiting for my next trip. So today I went and got a library card, it has been far too long since the last book I read. First up... Between the Bridge and the River by Craig Ferguson. I also wrote a song! Well... i wrote the chorus, and even if I finish it I would never play it in public... baby steps. Finally I have been looking into take a cooking course while I'm here. Who knows, maybe the culinary arts is my calling and I will become a world famous chef with  my own restaurants in Los Angeles, New York, London and Paris!! haha... ok maybe not.

I also realized today that I can't actually remember the last time I felt homesick. Of course I miss my friends and family all the time, and I don't think I will ever get used to this weather, but I feel like I have actually set up a life here. Amsterdam is not for another few weeks, but I think I'll go up to York (the original) this weekend :)



Friday, February 11, 2011

Paris, je t'aime

Paris.. city of lights... fashion capital of the world... and where Big finally told Carrie she was the one. I had been dreaming of visiting Paris since I was a little girl (not really but it makes it sound more magical) and it was everything I had expected and more. My dear friend Renaud, world famous rockstar and "the next George Clooney" as he says, invited me to come stay with him in his charming flat in in a small suburb right outside of Paris...

I finished unpacking and met Renaud and a few of his friends at a cafe down the street, however, after an hour of trying to join in the conversation with no success, I felt a little out of place. I'm not positive, but it could have been the fact that they were speaking french and "Bonjour! comment tale vous?" can only get you so far. To be honest I rather enjoyed just sitting there listening to them and sipping on my cappuccino. The first night out I was dying to see the Paris streets, taste the authentic French cuisine and drink fabulous French wine... so what did we do? We went to a Canadian pub for beer and cheesy fries of course!! I was perfectly fine with that though seeing as it was the only place around showing the playoffs...

The next day I woke up early and set off to see the sights! Now most people would choose the obvious historical landmarks to flock to, the Louvre...Champs De Elysee's...Notre dame, but not I. Being the traveler that I am, I did my research and discovered a little unknown gem called..... The Eiffel Tower!! Haha.. ok so I am a total tourist, but it is a must see, simply magnificent....

 After visiting all the other previously mentioned landmarks (all just as breathtaking) I decided to spend the next few hours sitting at a beautiful little cafe overlooking Saint Michel. I stayed there for three hours, THREE hours, i drank four cups of coffee and smoked half a pack of cigarettes and just people watched. I drank, I smoked, drank, smoked... its a vicious circle really. I would begin to shake from the caffeine, so I would smoke a cigarette, which would in turn make me crave more coffee. Cigarette, coffee, cigarette, coffee. In between my caffeine and nicotine induced highs... an older French gentleman sat next to me and we ended up chatting for an hour. Turns out he was a film director who had a new documentary premiering at a local film festival. Oh... and he happened to be best friends with Sharon Stone.

I spent the rest of my time wandering the streets, completely in awe of my surroundings, Paris is truly one of the most beautiful cities in the world...filled with exquisite architecture, delicious cuisine and passionate people. I am already planning another trip for spring! Next up is Amsterdam... and we all know what happens there :)



Thursday, February 3, 2011

and this isn't even the good stuff...

Ok, so you're probably wondering why three weeks have passed and yet no blog update about my trip to Paris. I have been wondering a little myself.... as my trip was completely and totally blogworthy!I guess I will start with everything that has been going on since I've returned, no wait... everything since I missed my flight back to England......

Everyone who knows me knows that I am not the most responsible or punctual person in the world (this used to offend me but as the years have passed I have come to terms with my shortcomings). My flight was scheduled to leave at 2pm that afternoon from Charles De Gaulle airport, I had packed the evening before and set my alarm for 10 am. I woke up that morning, sad to leave but ready to get home. I made a cup of coffee and smoked a cigarette. Yes, I am a smoker in Paris... don't judge me. Fast forward to one late taxi, two hours of traffic and three asshole flight attendants later and I am left standing in the middle of the terminal crying hysterically and swearing at the poor girl working behind the check in counter. Did I overreact? Yes...yes I did, but anyone who knows me knows that I overreact  and it is something I've come to terms with, along with irresponsibility, procrastination... and smoking (but only in Paris). Unfortunately, through gritted teeth, the girl at the check in desk informs me there's not another flight until the next day. At this point I would have just purchased another plane ticket and booked a room at the Hilton, but seeing as I only brought cash with me to Paris and spent the last of it on the taxi I came to the sudden realization that I could do neither. So I did what any other young girl alone in a foreign country with no money, food, or dignity (I threw that out the window when snot started running down my face during my public temper tantrum) would do..... I called my mother.

After my plane ticket was booked, the fact that I had to sleep in the airport sank in. Although I found some nice overnight camps set up by transients, and several offers from business men asking me to accompany them to their hotel room, I decided my safest bet was the Sherotan Hotel attached to Terminal 2. No I  couldn't afford a room there... but I could at least sneak in and use their computers to chat with my friends. After about an hour I noticed the manager eyeing me from across the room. When he finally approached me at about 1 in the morning and asked if I was staying there, I began to apologize and grabbed my bags when to my surprise...he said I was welcome to stay as long as I wanted. After two glasses of wine, a bottle of Louis Roederer champagne and a marriage proposal, I realized his act of kindness was nothing more than attempt to get in my pants and I decided that the criminal infested terminals would be safer than the hotel lobby.

I was so relieved once my plane touched town in Leeds... but that all changed when within only matter of days I had to find a new place to live and a new job.... which brings me to the present! I am in a new apartment, not so much of an apartment as it is a dorm room shared with three students from Leeds University. Although I am rather enjoying it since I missed out on that experience due to working full time for the last five years. My new job at a local brewery/ live music venue is awesome, I even gathered the courage to perform at their open mic night last week! I'm not saying I'm going to be the next Ellie Goulding but a girl can dream :) On top of the stress of finding a new place to live/new job... my boss (please refer to my blog post dated 12/16/10) who I had been seeing broke things off stating the typical guy excuse of "I care about you...but I just don't want a relationship right now". Well DUH!!! I don't want a relationship either I am only here temporarily... so why am I so disappointed?? I guess I had more feelings for him than I thought, so probably for the best that it ended....

Anyways... I think I have gone on enough for one blog post, I will save all the details of my Paris trip for the next one along with all of my pictures! Next destination... Amsterdam March 19th!!!



Monday, January 3, 2011

A new year... a new resolution

"Everything happens for a reason". Those were the words I repeated over and over again in my head when I received an email late last week in which the contents completely threw me off course...

Hi Danielle,
Unfortunately at this time, we are now fully staffed. I will let you know if another position opens up in the future.
Best, Saskia
Michael Kors

I read it at least four or five times, each time more confused than the last. What had happened between now and the day that I walked into Michael Kors on New Bond st in London for my interview? Even prior to meeting with Saskia, we had spoken on the phone and she had seemed so eager to meet me after telling her about my previous experience with the company. The interview itself could not have gone any better, I strutted into that store with confidence and determination, I wanted this job, which was a new and unsettling feeling for me. After the interview was over, Saskia told me she would love for me to be involved with the new store, and even though they were fully staffed she could bring me on part time to start. She then preceded to show me pictures and floor layouts of the new store. It was breathtaking, floor to ceiling windows and pristine white display cases spanning over two floors. I could smell the leather of the handbags as I flipped through the pages. As we said our goodbyes I felt like we were new best friends, she said she would call me in a week, and I walked out of the store with a smile on my face and a skip in my step.

Fast forward a month later, I am sitting in front of my computer reading this email yet again. After a few days of panic and self pity, I started to think about what it was I was really upset about. Yes, working at a brand new Michael Kors store in the heart of London would have been an amazing opportunity, but at what cost? Well first off, I could definitely kiss any chance of traveling throughout Europe during my stay here goodbye. London would surely exhaust the majority of my income. Not to mention Saskia said if she were to hire me she could only offer me a part time position to start, I would have to find another job, probably at some nightclub bartending until six in the morning. So yes, I would be living in one of the most exciting cities in the world, but I would probably be too exhausted and broke to enjoy it! It's not that I'm against working hard, but I didn't leave a great job, an amazing apartment, and my friends and family all in San Diego to fly half way across the world to get sucked into the fast paced stressful life that comes with residing in London.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this rejection from Michael Kors was a sign, a wake up call if you will. This whole time I thought that working for Michael Kors in London was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but it's being here in Europe... that's the opportunity I came here for. For Gods sake my  blog is called "Confessions of a Travel Queen" and the only place I have been is the UK. No wonder I only have nine followers!!!

So now I begin a new year, as well as celebrating my 25th birthday. Twenty-five, I am still not sure how I feel about hitting the quarter century mark. On one hand, I look forward to the year ahead and the new experiences that will come with it. On the other hand, fear and uncertainty settle in as I begin to over analyze every move that I have made up until this point and will make over the next year. If there is one thing I am certain about, it's that I'm not going to sit back and watch this year pass me by. In twenty years I am going to look back and remember my 25th year... as the year I was a travel queen. First stop, Paris :)

